The Hawaiian creation story connects with photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Photosynthesis creates the products necessary for the survival of cellular respiration, such as oxygen and glucose. Cellular respiration in turn produces water, carbon dioxide, and energy; all necessities in order for photosynthesis to take place. It is a circle, a reaction where neither can live without the other. They rely on each other in order to survive. This connects with the Hawaiian creation story because Häloa created us, and he cares for us. In return, we care for him. If we take care of Häloa, or the 'äina, he will in turn care for us as well. In the same way that we rely on Häloa and he relies on us, cellular respiration relies on photosynthesis and vise versa.
12/2/2012 06:55:10 am

Effective claim. Evidence is general and lacks details. Connection are being made yet the depth is limited to a couple of sentences. Communicate more understanding of the things you know and understand so that knowledge can be assessed. Approaching


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