Fertilization is similar to a family reunion because all entities were once a zygote, which formed by the fusion of a sperm and oocyte. Since cells duplicate, they once belonged to our ancestors from many generations ago. So when the sperm and oocyte are combining, it is like a family reunion because the cells of both the man and the woman are coming together.

M.K. Pukui's work relates to cellular reproduction. She talks about how everything is a chain. The chain from heredity, kupuna, and ancestry all relate to each other and is a chain. This is similar to cellular reproduction because our cells are passed down from our parents and their parents and so on. It is an ongoing chain, just like MK Pukui's theory. Ohana is started like gametes. After coition, the sperm and the egg combine, and that's how an ohana is started. After it is fertalized, a zygote is formed. From there, the zygote turns into an embryo. The embryo turns into a fetus, and from there a baby. The baby then begins the cycle that MK Pukuki stated. That baby is one part of the life cycle. Both Pukui's theory and cellular reproduction are cycles.
Q1 + Q2 + Final = Semester Grade

(40)  (40)       (20)


18.8 + [?] + [?] = 60 (Proffered Grade)

I finished the first quarter with a 47%, much lower than expectations. A 47% turns into a C. In order to reach my desired goal, a B, I need to score relatively higher than this past quarter. I would have to get at least 42 points total in order to achieve this. I need roughly 3/4 of the points in quarter 2 and the final to reach my goal. I can reach my goal by putting more thought into my work.