My goal for the second quarter was unfortunately not met. I turned in all my work on time, but it was of poor quality. My bioblog posts didn't always meet the criteria. For example, I used the words "I believe" too much which affected my grade. I also used reasoning with my claim, which is incorrect. Some of my claims were just wrong, so that really affected the final grade. I could have improved these grades by doing more research on the topic or by using proper criteria. I slowly improved on bioblogs over the course of the quarter by listening to the advice the comments gave me. But bioblogs were only a small portion of my horrendous grade, the real reason why I am doing bad is because of my awful tests scores. Just today, I scored a 1/9 on my Biology test, which I'm pretty sure was the worst in the class. The only one to blame is me however, because if more studying was done, this wouldn't be a problem. My grade reflects what I know because I don't know as much as I should, so a bad grade is accurate, although unwanted. More studying definitely needs to be put in. I can do this by reading the learning modules and studying for quizzes. I should also check the "what's new" tab on Blackboard because it tells us what's coming up in class. If I follow these guidelines my grade will improve.
This article goes against what we have been learning in Biology class. This article tells us that there are only 23 chromosomes in the human body but there are 56. The article also tells us that evolution causes harmful gene changes but it doesn’t, it merely depends whether or not it is sexual or asexual.
This link may help you further understanding this topic.
I believe a grade should be earned, not given. Anyone can behave well in class, but giving students grades for behavior wouldn’t reflect what they know. Real grades should be a reflection of what the student learned in class and his ability to use that information in the real world. With that being said, I believe being given grades for behavior is irrelevant. It would make more sense to find out what the students truly know. This could be done by tests, quizzes, or oral questions and answers. I believe that in this way, you will have a basic understanding of what the students know.

Facts are very different from beliefs and truths. Facts are proven using facts and evidence to back up your claim. Truths can be different for everyone, because what’s true for someone could be untrue for someone else. Beliefs are what you believe is true or untrue. Beliefs and truths can change due to what you learn or know. Facts can’t change, because facts are backed up by evidence, not beliefs. Facts differ from beliefs and truths because people may believe in different things, but they can’t change facts. Facts are facts, they exist, it is reality.

It is important to grow your own food. My reasoning for this is that living off the land promotes survival skills. We teach ourselves how to live without civilization. It is the way our ancestors lived. If they can do it, so can we. It is cheaper, more cultural, and can be fun too. You can grow healthier food which will promote you overall well-being. Living off the land is definitely better than eating fast food all day; well, at least for your health.