Former education is responsible for my domestication. Today’s teachers are brainwashing the children of the future. Instructors use false strategies in an attempt to teach students the subject matter. Some of these strategies are endless lectures, uninteresting course matter, and no problem based learning. Regardless of what they learn throughout the course of the class, they will be unable to put their learning into real life situations. Students don’t learn how to apply their learning in the real world, which defeats the purpose of learning the information in the first place. We have come to accept this fact and continue to accept the teaching methods in order to get a good grade. This is what makes us domesticated; the fact that we don’t think about applying our knowledge but we only care about our grade. In math for example, we learn complicated formulas that seem to provide little use in the real world. We don’t seem to care because as long as we do the work we get a good grade. We have been manipulated, also known as Human domestication. Since humans are constantly evolving, we need to shift the evolution in our favor. My solution would be to teach children how to deal with real life problems and give them knowledge that they will need in the world. Teachers can use problem based learning to teach their students. This will increase problem-solving abilities, allowing them to retain previous knowledge by applying what they’ve learned. I think this will help them learn because by solving these problems learning may come easier which will make it more fun, allowing the knowledge to stick. This solution if executed correctly will be able to reverse the domestication.

5/3/2013 07:21:26 pm

You make a lot of claims that are opinionated because you do not provide evidence support. For instance, how is the manipulation you mention related to evolutionary mechanisms linked to domestication? This is what you need to explain. You do give an example of a class that doesn't provide you opportunity to apply what you know yet is this always the responsibility of the teacher? personally I would expect my students to take the information I share with them and use it if they can benefit from its use. That is just my opinion though. You need to do a better job in explaining your understanding of domestication-I do not see this in your evidence. Approaching Standard


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