The problem based learning supports the process of obtaining an education. Problem based learning is learning through problem solving. It is more impressive to be able to apply your knowledge through problem solving than by getting a good grade on a multiple choice test. Instead of memorizing information and forgetting it later, PBL helps to retain knowledge and lets you apply your knowledge.
Standard 9 greatly helped me to understand evolution theory. It helped me because it linked it to real world problems, making it easier to comprehend. We talked about domestication of animals and mutation, which helped to understand and retain the information. This is one of many ways standard nine helped me. PBL makes learning much better. It makes it more fun, helps to remember, and prepares us for the world.
My performance in standard nine proves that I am science literate. To be science literate is to know and understand science terminology. You need to have a basic understanding of science inquiry. I was able to become science literate by studying terminology and by solving problems through PBL. I solved these problems using metacognitive skills and by thinking divergently. An example of my science literacy is when I talked about the domestication of animals, I used multiple science terms to convey my message. In this way, I showed understanding.

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